Magnus Lloyd

Identity for an executive recruitment consultant

Magnus Lloyd hero image

Magnus Lloyd is a recruitment agency focused on sourcing senior people for high-level infrastructure projects across Europe and the Middle East.



Brand identity
Print design

Magnus Lloyd full logotype

A ‘monogram’ logo symbol was developed to emphasise the bespoke ‘one-to-one’ nature of the company’s work. The monogram was also used as a repeat pattern to give a premium feel. Coupled with a customised typographic wordmark and a restrained colour palette, this identity helped position Magnus Lloyd as a ‘cut above’ most executive recruitment agencies.

Magnus Lloyd monogram
Magnus Lloyd repeat pattern
Magnus Lloyd letterhead
Magnus Lloyd business cards

The result

Magnus Lloyd continues to move up the value chain in the recruitment industry, helped by its premium rebrand. This has enabled to them to introduce a sister company using web-based recruitment tools – brand to be launched soon: watch this space!


Procyan Property Developments


Logo archive